"A legfontosabb dolgokat a legnehezebb elmondani. Ha ezekről beszélsz, nevetségesnek érzed magad, hiszen szavakba öntve összezsugorodnak - amíg a fejedben vannak, határtalannak tűnnek, de kimondva jelentéktelenné válnak. Ám azt hiszem, többről van itt szó. A legfontosabb dolgok túl közel lapulnak ahhoz a helyhez, ahol a lelked legféltettebb titkai vannak eltemetve, irányjelzőként vezetnek a kincshez, amit az ellenségeid oly szívesen lopnának el. S ha mégis megpróbálsz beszélni róluk, a hallgatóságtól csak furcsálló tekinteteket kapsz cserébe, egyáltalán nem értenek meg, nem értik, miért olyan fontos ez neked, hogy közben majdnem sírva fakadsz. És szerintem ez a legrosszabb. Amikor a titok nem miattad marad titok, hanem mert nincs, aki megértsen."

Utolsó kommentek

  • ttomyy: Szia, Istenem, Mesy :D, lehet hogy nem hiszel nekem, de tényleg nagyon tetszik a blogod. Még nem o... (2011.01.29. 17:47) Balaton
  • ttomyy: Tiszta béna vagyok, elnyomtam valamit, és lehet megint nem kapod meg az üzenetemet :DDD, már a 3. ... (2011.01.29. 17:47) Mondja meg nekem valaki
  • Mesy :): Nem nem, nem én írtam azt az idézetet. Bár én is írhattam volna, mert ezt érzem, de nem tudnám így... (2010.05.18. 15:11) Érthetetlen az egész.
  • forgoszelkate: Tőled van ez az idézet? Annyira kifejezi a valóságot! Mármint azt a valóságot, amit megélünk. Pon... (2010.05.18. 15:05) Érthetetlen az egész.
  • Mesy :): Szia! Köszi, jólesik amit írtál. A körülöttem lévők állapota kicsit, kicsit nagyon hatással van rá... (2010.04.14. 19:08) Borzalom..
  • Utolsó 20


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2010.04.17. 15:33 | Mesy :) | Szólj hozzá!

My favourite soprt is the tennis. It is one of the most popular individual soprts in the world. In tennis the players uses recket to hit a ball over a net into the oppnent's court. We must keep the ball in game and the ball can only bounce one time on the surface before the opponent must strike the ball over the net. The winner is who wins six game and in one game you have to reach 40 points. Tennis is usually played with one player per side, this is the sinlges or two players per side, his is the doubles.

To pursue a sport is very impartant for everybody, it is the key to a healthy life. It helps us to be active, fresh, fit and full of energy.

I'm not interested in soprt and I'm not involved in any regular soprt activity,because I'm lazy and I don't have a lot of freetime. But I would like to do sport. I like play tennis but it is very expensive. My mother's workplace have a tennis court, and we can use it free, so sometimes at weekend I go to play tennis with my father and my brother. I like ride a bike and ride a horse, but it is expensive too. In spring and in summer I often run, two or three times a week. I like the extreme soprts, because they are very exciting. Parachuting, bungee jumping.

At school I have three physical education in a week, but I think we should have more. It is good to move after sitting long hours at the school desk. At the begginings of the lessons we always do some warming-up exercises. When the weather is nice, we run outdoor or play vollyball.  We play basketball, or do some gymnastics in the gym. Sometimes we do aerobics to music.

There are professional soprts, but I think it isn't good. Some people play sports for money and fame, but it isn't healthy. You don't have freetime, you always have to train, and go to competitions. You are supported by a company, you can travel,be famous, succesful and get money, but you can't do what you want, and you can't be with your friends. You can't go to school, you have to be privat student. The mass sports are good. Children join teams and make friends, and it is very good to do a sport in your freetime. It is just a hobby, you can go for train two or three time in a week. It is healthy, and you can be fit.

There are a lot of sport. There are summer and winter sports, summer is for example vollyball and the ballgames, mountaineering, watersoprts, ride a horse, ride a bike, tennis, golf. The winter soprts : skí, bob, skate. There are individual and team soprts. Individual is for example tennis, ride a horse, ride a bike, boxing and team soprts for example the

Címkék: angol


2010.03.01. 19:54 | Mesy :) | Szólj hozzá!

Hát ez nem jött össze :P Elvileg tavasz van. Mondom tavaaaasz. De gyakorlatilag.. Gyakorlatilag zuhog az eső,fúj a szél és meleg sincs kifejezetten. Jó, ez is tavasz, de nekem a meleg-napos-virágos tavasz kéne már :P De azért jól vagyok. Nemsokára lesznek szép virágok, meg madarak, meg zöld fák, és akkor majd lehet kirándulni végre.

Egyébként most csak az angol miatt vagyok itt. Meg kell írnom egy tételt, "Meals" témában, és most ide fogom. Meg majd valamikor bemásolom az eddigieket meg a tavalyiakat is, hogy egybe meglegyen,mert innen nem tűnnek el, ha minden igaz:P

Öcsémmel ma pont angolul hülyéskedtünk buszon hazafelé a zenesuliból. Szombaton lesz neki szóbeli felvételi angolból a Bláthy-ban, oda szeretne menni. És hát gyakoroltattam vele :P Bár nem tudom mi lesz, mert én hétvégén segítettem neki megírni a tételeket, hogy csak meg kelljen tanulnia, de még vannak, nemtom mikor csinálja meg, állandóan a gép előtt ül. De ez most mindegy.



My favourite dish is very simple, cheap and it is easy to prepare. It is the Tortilla Espanola. To make Tortilla you will need 6 potatoes, 6 eggs, 1 yellow onion and 2 cups of olive oil.

Peel the potatoes and slce them than peel the onion and chop ot. Crack the eggs into a large bowl and whisk them. Fry the onion into they turn golden brown. Fry the potatoes, and then add your fried potatoes and onions into the bowl of eggs and mix them together, In the pan allow it to cook until the egg browned. Place a dinner plate large enough to cover the oan upside down over the pan. Quickly turn the pan over.

In most houses the meals are breakfast, lunch and dinner. I usually have breakfast at school because at home I don't have time in the morning. I take sanwiches and some fruits or chocolate to school. I eat after the second lesson. At the weekend sometimes I don't have breakfast because I wake up at 11. When I get up early I eat cornflakes with milk, scrambled eggs or toast, or I prepare sandwiches. I don't make much fuss about breakfast.

We can have lunch at school or at home. At school it's cheap and subsidised, but it's tasteless and there are very small portions,they are hardly enough. I have lunch at home, because I can eat what I like. I have two courses. First comes some soup( meat, fruit, mushroom or vegetable soup). The second course.. It can be vegetable dish, meat dish or noodle. I have lucnh at 3:30, when I get home. Sometimes I can't go home after the school because I have to go to the music school. In this case I have lunch in a fast-food restaurant, for example in McDonald's. At the weekend I have lunch at 1 o'clock, I eat with my familiy. Usually my father prepares the lunch, it's very delicious.

I have dinner at between 6 and 7. It is usually a cold meal. I just have buttered rolls with ham and cheese or perharps some sausages.

I think I should eat more fruit, and less sweet, because I eat too much chocolate. And I should eat more meat, but I don't really like the meat.

There are a lot of differences between the hungarian and the english cousine. In  Hungary we use a lot of paprika and pepper, the meals are hot and spicy. The meals are very greasy and fattering. The hungarian cuisine is famous for hospitality. In Hungary we don't make much fuss about breakfast. We take our elevenses and we have lunch at work or at home. We have cold meal for supper.

In England the meals keeps the natural flavour, and they use a few herbs. They eat a lot of pudding. The meals have delicious pies, for example they like the roast meat with jam, jacket potatoes or chips with meat. In England they drink early morning tea, and then eat a substantial breakfast,for example bacon and eggs with baked beans. They have a snack for lunch, and they have big dinner. They drink a lot of tea.( To make tea I fill the kettle up with water. I bring to the boil and then I pour it into the tea pot. I leave them to brew some minutes then strain the liquid.I serve it with sugar and lemon.)


Kéész. Már csak.. meg kell tanulni. De azt hiszem, azt meghagyom holnapra.

Címkék: suli angol
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